Sweetwater Reporter

City Council to Meet in Regular Session, Tuesday June 15

The City Council of the City of Sweetwater, Texas, will meet in regular session on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Chambers of the City Hall, 200 E. 4th Street, Sweetwater.

1. Call to order.

2. Invocation.

3. Pledges of Allegiance to the Flags of the United States of America and the State of Texas.

4. City Council to discuss, consider and act upon approval of minutes for meeting held on May 11, 202!1..

5. Public Comments and Receipt of Petitions: [At this time, anyone will be allowed to speak on any matter, other than personnel matters or matters under litigation, for length of time not to exceed three minutes. No Council/ Board discussion or action may take place on a matter until such matter has been placed on an agenda and posted in accordance with law - GC, 551.042.}

6. Action Items: A. Ordinance: City Council to discuss, consider and act upon approving an Ordinance to amend City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Article Ill - Gas Code, Section 7-32(e) (2) gas pressure test inspection standard.

B. City Council to receive bids and consider possible award of construction contract for the Georgia Pacific water transmission main replacement project with consideration of recommendation provided by Enprotec/ Hibbs & Todd.

C. City Council to discuss, consider and act upon authorizing Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from consultant firms for development of 20 year Comprehensive Master Plan. 7. City Manager’s Report: A. City Pool and Splash Pad Opening

B. Donation of Tablets to Roscoe Police Department

C. Sweetwater Intermediate School Donates to SNAP

D. Public Auction Results

E. Trammel Clean Up F. Georgia-Pacific Groundbreaking.

8. Budget Workshop A. Water Utilities Presentation, Enprotec/ Hibbs & Todd

B. Budget Presentation, City Staff

9. Adjournment.






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