Sweetwater Reporter

Commissioners’ Court to Meet in Regular Session on Monday

Notice is given that a regular meeting of the Nolan Commissioner’s Court will be held on the 27th day of September, 2021 at 9:00 A. M., in the County Courthouse Sweetwater, Texas, at which time the following subjects will be discussed,

1. Pledge allegiance to the United States flag.

2. Pledge allegiance to the Texas Flag.

3. Approve minutes from September 13th & 16th meetings.

4. Consider approval to reinstate the burn ban.

5. Consider approval of an agreement with Roberts & McGee to conduct the Annual Audit of Nolan County finances.

6. Receive and acknowledge the 2021/2022 Budget for Nolan County Auditor and District Court Reporter from District Judge Glen Harrison.

7. Consider approval of an Order of Appointment for Election Judges & Alternates.

8. Consider approval of the purchase of office supplies.

9. Consider approval to appoint Dr. Jennifer Liedtke as the Health Authority for Nolan County.

10. Consider approval of a Second Contact Renewal of Statewide Automated Victim Notification Service (SAVNS).

11. Receive and consider approval of the Annual Report of Desktop Audits from Nolan County Auditor.

12. Consider approval of a Resolution Authorizing County Grant Program Year 2022 for City of Sweetwater Senior Nutritional Activities Program (SNAP).

12. Receive reports from Department Heads.

13. Pay claims and line-item adjustments as requested by the County Auditor.

The Nolan County Commissioner’s Court reserves the right to enter closed session on any of the above under the authority of 551.074, Texas Government Code.






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