Sweetwater Reporter

Commissioners’ Court Approves Audit Reports, Ban Burn Off


The Nolan County Commissioner’s Court met in regular session on Monday at 9 a.m. in the Nolan County Courthouse.

Minutes from November 14 and 18 meetings were approved. Commissioners Tommy White and Henry Ortega, Jr., motioned and seconded, respectively.

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The Commissioners chose not to reinstate the Nolan County Burn Ban and keep it off until next session when it would again be reconsidered. There was a significant amount of rain in the days leading up to the meeting. Commissioners Terry Willman and Seth Mahaffey motioned and seconded..

An approval was given regarding an Agreement with Control Consultants & Services, Inc. to furnish the Sheriffs Office/ Jail with Preventive ’ Maintenance. This is a simple agreement andpertains to software. Commissioners Mahaffey and Ortega motioned and seconded.

Approval was also givenm to the 32nd Judicial District CSCD’s Statement of Financial Position. Last year there was $17,000 in the fund whereas now, due to COVID and such, there is $30,000 less or at around $140,000. Commissioners Willman and Mahaffey motioned and seconded.

Approval of Nolan County elected official’s bonds was given. There was just one bond. Commissioners White and Ortega motioned and seconded.

An Order for Joint Employment of County Auditor for Nolan County, Texas was approved. This would allow Mitchell County to play a part. Commissioners White and Willman motioned and seconded.

The Chapter 59 Assets Forfeiture Fund AuditReport for fiscal year 2022 for the 32nd Judicial District Attorney’s Forfeiture Fund. This was approved. Basically, this is a rare case scenario . The account has been open for about 15 years without change. The only money in the account is interested from last year. If there would be nothing in the account, it would take about two years to establish given government bureaucracy and the copious amount of paperwork that it would engender.


was also given for the Chapter 59 Assets Forfeiture Fund Audit Report for fiscal year 2022 for the Sheriffs Drug Forfeiture Fund as well as .the Federal Equitable Sharing Agreement andCertification (ESAC) audit form for fiscal year 2022 for the SheriffsFederal Forfeiture Fund. There is just enough amnount in the account ($20.21) to keep it open.

The Commissioners also gave approval of the 32nd Judicial District Attorney Working Protocols.

As District Attorney Ricky Thompson explained, these protocols are set by State Legislature regarding all Counties in Texas to pass adult sexual assault protocols regarding how cases would be handled. There is a reporting requirement per the protocols. Commissioners Mahaffey and Willman motioned and seconded...






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